Pouek's Blog

ChatGPT and it's "brilliancy"

Monday February 13, 2023

Unless you are living under a rock you probably know what Chat GPT is and how it works. If you don’t it’s a very advanced chatbot AI which can do a bunch of things like generating text, simple code, and explaining things. That being said everybody uses it for everything which is very sad. It’s like nobody is learning/doing anything by themselves anymore but giving it to Chat GPT. I think it's a great tool but when I saw all those extensions for Visual Studio Code I didn’t know what to think anymore. Chess is also very popular and getting more popular every day so the next logical step would be to pair Stockfish (The best chess engine to my knowledge) against Chat GPT. Of course, r/AnarchyChess picked up on it very fast, and this horror of a chess game was born.

As you can see it’s mayhem it starts normally but then the AI goes nuts ignoring all rules. Thankfully we still have our lord Stockfish that won the game by taking the king. Humanity is safe. I myself wanted to know how good Chat GPT is so I tried teaching it Pouek’s Markdown (my markdown variation that this blog post is written in). It was incredible how fast it picked up everything just by giving it my copypasted rules from a GitHub text file. I needed to correct a few minor things and voila.

It even generated a sample game review.

The only thing that I’m sure will happen is that Chat GPT is going to be paywalled. It’s starting to happen already but the truth is that the people that need it, will use it even when it’s gonna cost people. For my end thoughts, I think Chat GPT is a great tool that is overhyped and there will be more tools like this soon.