pythOwO Why the heck did someone made this a thing?!
Tuesday June 28, 2022
A couple of days ago on r/ProgrammerHumor, I found a guy who made an annoucement where he said that he made a pythOwO language a thing. Well, his post had a decent amount of upvotes and I was inquisitive to see what it was all about. After digging through a ton of comments I found the GitHub link to the whole creation.pythOwO on GitHub The creator behind this whole thing is virejdasani. You can check out a video where he shows and explains how the pythOwO language was made. The original creator of the image and name is u/camel-cdr. Original idea and context (Reddit post) Original logo Overall I think pythOwO is a well-done language for a meme tho it's still being updated and maintained. I want to see someone make a whole application with pythOwO or maybe even port some libraries from python to pythOwO.